One-Tonne wicker beltie will visit Crawick Multiverse as part of tour of Dumfries and Galloway.
The giant Belted Galloway bull is made from willow and is the work of Auchencairn artist Trevor Leat. Created to represent Dumfries & Galloway at Edinburgh’s Royal Highland Showcase in June, Crawick Multiverse are delighted to have Kelton on site for our Music at the Multiverse weekend on 28th and 29th August as part of his homecoming tour of the region. He will be arriving the week before and we hope he will be able to stay for a few days after, so everyone will get a chance to come up to our entrance at The Coalface to meet him.
Kelton, who stands almost 3 meters tall, is named after the parish of Kelton, with its strong agricultural history. The name is also a nod to the National Trust for Scotland’s Threave Landscape Restoration Project which is getting underway at the nearby Kelton Mains Farm

Weighing in at around a tonne, the imposing beltie took 3 weeks to build using 22 bundles of willow, each weighing 18kg, woven round a special frame. The dark areas were created using steamed willow and his distinctive white belt is made from stripped willow.
Check our website and social media for updates on Kelton’s arrival.