Since opening, Crawick has welcomed over 20,000 people, and has become an active hub for the arts and sciences, hosting on-site performances, talks and educational programmes that focus on the topics of landscape, art and scientific exploration. Having successfully received funding from the Scottish LEADER Programme we are now ready to reach out to more people and develop our facilities to create a world-class visitor experience in the heart of Sanquhar, in the old Glove Factory. Building on the area’s strong historical and cultural heritage, the vision is that the Glove Factory will be an innovative destination and events space that will promote and enable dialogue between the arts and science.
We are now tendering for two related pieces of work and welcome submissions for:
- An Options Appraisal and Feasibility Study
- A Funding Strategy
The tender document can be found here and the closing date is midday, 18th February 2019.